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🟢 Different Writing Styles

Last updated on July 10, 2024 by Sander Schulhoff


AIs like ChatGPT are known for crafting essays and blog articles in a heartbeat. But often, the articles they produce are generic and dry. You need to do something extra to give the words some spirit or pizzazz.

One of the fastest ways to do that is to specify a writing style or name a famous author in the prompt.

Generic Prompt

Say you want a paragraph on the importance of friendship.

A generic prompt will yield a generic response from ChatGPT:



Write me a paragraph on the importance of friendship.


AI Output

Friendship is an essential component of a fulfilling and happy life. It allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and provides us with emotional support, understanding, and a sense of belonging. Friends offer a shoulder to lean on during difficult times and celebrate our successes with us. They also help us develop and grow as individuals by providing feedback and different perspectives. Having good friends can positively impact our mental and physical health, as social interaction has been linked to decreased stress, anxiety, and depression. Overall, friendships are crucial in helping us navigate life's ups and downs, and they enrich our lives in countless ways.

Blah. It’s so bland.

Adding Style Specifications

Results change when you add specifications:



Write me a paragraph on the importance of friendship. Please write in an informal, conversational style.

ChatGPT comes up with something like this:


AI Output

Hey there! Let's talk about friendship. I think we can all agree that having good friends in our lives is super important. They're the people we can turn to for support, laughter, and companionship. When things get tough, it's our friends who lift us up and help us get through it all. And when things are going great, our friends are the ones who cheer us on and celebrate our successes with us. Plus, let's not forget about all the fun and memories we make with our friends - the inside jokes, the adventures, the shared experiences. Those are the things that make life richer and more fulfilling. So, if you haven't already, go out there and make some friends! You won't regret it.

That’s a little better.

Using the Style of Well-Known Figures

And if you feel a little fancy, you can ask ChatGPT to write in the style of one of the literary greats, like Mark Twain:



Write me a paragraph on the importance of friendship. Please write in the style of Mark Twain.


AI Output

Ah, my dear friend, the importance of friendship cannot be overstated. As I've journeyed through life, I've come to understand that true friends are a rare and precious commodity, worth more than all the riches in the world. A good friend is someone who shares our joys, lightens our sorrows, and walks with us through the trials and tribulations of this world. They're the ones who know us better than we know ourselves, who see our flaws and love us just the same. Friendship is the bedrock of a fulfilling life, and without it, we are like ships adrift in a stormy sea. So cherish your friends, my dear, and hold them close, for in them you'll find the true riches of this world.

The text now is starting to sing.

But it doesn’t have to be a famous author. You can use well-known individuals as well—like Chris Rock.



Write me a paragraph on the importance of friendship. Please write in the style of Chris Rock.


AI Output

You know what's important in life? Friends! Yeah, I'm talking about those people who are always there for you, even when you're broke and you can't afford a drink. Friends are the ones who make you laugh when you're feeling down, they're the ones who listen to your problems and give you advice. And let me tell you, a good friend is hard to come by these days. You gotta hold on to those suckers for dear life. Because when you're old and gray, you're not gonna be reminiscing about that job you had or that car you drove. You're gonna be thinking about all the good times you had with your friends. So, if you've got a good friend, you better treat them right, because they're worth more than gold, baby!

Or how about those “millennials”?



Write me a paragraph on the importance of friendship. Please write in the style of a millennial.


AI Output

Okay, listen up squad, let me tell you something that's straight-up important: friendship is everything. I mean, like, seriously, we all need our ride-or-die homies who have our backs no matter what, amirite? Having a tight crew of true friends is crucial to our mental health, happiness, and overall well-being. They're the ones we go to when we need a good laugh, a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to grab bottomless mimosas with on a Sunday Funday. Plus, they keep us grounded, challenge us to grow, and support us in our goals and dreams. So let's show some love to our besties and make sure to always prioritize the power of friendship!

Copy Your Writing Style

What if you want GPT-3 to write an email or blog in your style?

Simply showing it some previous content that you have written is enough. Here is an example, where we show GPT-3 some emails 'Dr. Rodriguez' has written in the past, and asked it to write a new email in the same style to a new patient, Mr. Inuez.

You can input any text you have written in the past (emails, reports, blogs, etc.), and GPT-3/ChatGPT will usually be able to copy your style. The more text you put, the better it can copy your style.

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